Bilewski & Kobayashi LLC can help your business, whether you are looking to start a company, are running a company or are looking to sell. We can assist with your business needs in the following areas.
Starting a business/entity formation
Reviewing contracts
Buying or selling a business
Resolving disputes
We also provide clients counsel in the areas of :
Bilewski & Kobayashi LLC can provide help in defending against collection actions and unfair debt collection practices. We can assist in the resolution of debt matters and dealing with difficult collection companies.
We represent both landlords and tenants in any
of the numerous issues that arise from the rental
of property. We can also provide interpretation or review of a lease to ensure that your rights are protected.
Lease Disputes
Money Disputes
Lease Review
We can help you navigate the process to complete a legal name change. Some common reasons for a name change include getting married, divorced or changing your name to conform to your gender identity. The process is relatively short, but can be confusing due to the requirements for court and background checks. This process can be used for both adults and minors.